Incorporated with a vision to provide polished software services to the industry
and a mission to be a leader at it.
Served leading industries with customized software development which catered to
the needs of specific sectors.
Launched COINCAP and worked on the idea of an ERP.
First complete ERP [mainframe] released to leading industries. Implemented
at several locations and was discontinued in 2009.
Released COINCAP-EXT with extended functions.
Released COINCAP-HMS under Infosys Foundation for KEM hospital and was implemented
Released COINCAP-II which was completely windows based and was designed and realized
at COINCAP systems.
COINCAP augumented for the Liquor Industry with the addition of Diageo to our Clientele.
COINCAP augumented for the Infrastructure Industry with the addition of IL&FS-IETS to our Clientele.
Partnered with HCL Infosystems to expand ERP coverage.